Great Futures Start Here

How To Teach Healthy Habits To Kids?

Home is a child’s first school where some of the most important life lessons are taught; one of them being healthy habits. Teaching a child about healthy habits helps in building a strong foundation for his healthy life. These habits positively impact a child’s physical, emotional, and mental health.

Some ways to teach healthy habits to children are:

  • Teaching Good Manners: Kids should be taught the importance of good manners when dealing with family members, peers, and even strangers. Examples of good manners for children are saying please, thank you, apologizing, expressing other meaningful gestures, etc.
  • Limit Screen Time: By limiting screen time, children get more time for other activities that may be beneficial for their health. They also interact more with those around them (family members, neighbors, and other children) and pay adequate attention to hobbies.
  • Smart Snacking: Introduce the child to the concept of smart-snacking early in life. It will help him develop a positive relationship with food. Smart foods can be introduced to a child by involving him in the process of listing down healthy snack options while making grocery list.
  • Good Eating Habits: Teach the child about the basics of eating like chewing the food properly. Also emphasize on the importance of breakfast, drinking enough water, and looking at labels before purchasing packaged food.
  • Physical Activities: Children are more encouraged to stay physically active if the elders in their house practice the same. Some activities that a child can practice for healthy living are swimming, hiking, running, cycling, or simply walking in a nearby park.
  • Read Daily: Teaching kids to read from an early age exposes them to a variety of benefits such as enhanced vocabulary, better language development, concentration, exposure to a wide range of information, etc. Reading broadens a child’s mental horizons and encourages him to perceive the world from different perspectives.
  • Spend Time With Friends: Children, who spend more time with friends, grow into confident and happier individuals. Encourage the child to socialize with other kids in parks, after-school clubs, libraries, etc. This will instill valuable and healthy social skills like cooperation, problem-solving, and communication.
  • Power Of Positivity: Teaching kids about the art of staying positive under all circumstances makes him resilient in the face of challenges at school, out of school, and at the workplace as adults. Some things you can teach your child to foster positivity are the use of positive affirmations, kindness meditation, helping others, writing a gratitude journal, etc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas offer various clubs and programs to teach healthy habits to kids. The clubs organize various activities that develop healthy habits in children. For more details on ways to teach healthy habits to kids, visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541. You can also call at (254) 699 – 5808.

Character & Soft Skill Development In Kids

Success in every field requires an individual to possess certain interpersonal skills and character traits. Childhood is the best time to learn and develop these soft skills. Soft skills include, but are not limited to, social skills, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, people skills, communication skills, etc. Character development not only improves academic performance and behavior of kids but also prepares them for the workplace as adults.

Here is a list of ways in which children can develop positive character traits and soft skills:

  • Incorporate Character Education In The Curriculum: Character education should be made a part of the school curriculum for a lasting impact on children. All activities in a classroom should be used as tools for character development i.e. teachers should act as role models, children should be taught to respect each other, cooperative learning and moral reflection should be encouraged, etc.
  • Authentic Feedback: Offer a child genuine feedback about his performance instead of forcefully showering positive feedback to avoid disappointment. It is important for children to learn how to deal with unsettling emotions and negative judgment in a balanced way.
  • Noticing And Naming Qualities: If you would like your child to imbibe any qualities (empathy, perseverance, a positive attitude, etc.), make it a point to highlight and name them in front of him. You can also have a conversation about the traits in order to give your child clear and practical examples of how to model them in real-life situations.
  • Selflessness: For your child to develop selflessness, he should be introduced to the idea of helping others without expecting anything in return. Service to the community is a character trait that builds confidence in an individual and provides immeasurable happiness.
  • Exploration: Refrain from over-scheduling your child’s day and give him some time to explore hobbies, interests, and the world around him. To develop soft skills, it is important for a child to get in touch with other age-mates in an informal set-up, play with them, communicate, and express himself.
  • Non-Conformity: Great thinkers, creators, and doers of the world never conformed to living within set boundaries but dared to discover, think, and experiment. Children should be encouraged to cross some boundaries for the sake of invaluable lessons that risks and mistakes have to teach.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas offer various programs to develop character and soft skills in kids. The programs help kids with better planning and decision making. For more details on character and soft skill development in kids, visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541. You can also call at (254) 699 – 5808.

Tips To Achieve Academic Success

Academic success is the culmination of hard work, consistent efforts, discipline, right resources, time management and a variety of other factors. A combination of strategies that suit one’s method of studying, schedule and goals are to be used to be successful academically. 

It is important to work efficiently and develop skills that help reach the potential to achieve academic success. Tips for achieving academic success are:

  • Planning: Planning before sitting down to study helps in managing your time in the most appropriate way. It helps you to compartmentalize your day into different blocks of time and figure out what is the best time for studying without distractions.
  • Set Goals: It is important to set goals for what you want to achieve. Goals give direction to a plan and ensure faster results are achieved. While setting goals, prioritize tasks as per the amount of time you can afford to commit to them. This will help to do justice to other spheres of your life as well, while you work towards academic success.
  • Be Your Own Competition: Resist the urge to comparing your performance with others. It will relieve you of unwanted pressure and help you focus on what you want to achieve as per the standards you have set for yourself.
  • Take Part In Extracurricular Activities: Mental and physical recovery is paramount for academic success. It helps one remain stress-free and also increases productivity and efficiency. So, take out time for your favorite extracurricular activities like singing, playing games, attending your favorites clubs, etc. 
  • Attend Classes: Never underestimate the power of class attendance in improving academic performance. Attending classes exposes students to unique viewpoints on a topic shared by a teacher, valuable discussions and useful exam tips.
  • Take Notes: Note-taking( both in class and while studying by oneself) is important to understand a subject better. Reviewing notes jotted down during a lecture and highlighting key points makes it easier to revise and memorize a lesson. Notes also make it easier to refresh one’s memory before the next chapter/topic starts.
  • Work On Your Memory: Based on your level of concentration, use a method that suits you to memorize what you study. Commonly used methods are flashcards, acronyms, drawing diagrams, recalling what you study in your own words, summarizing, etc.
  • Take Tests Smartly: While taking tests, pay attention to oral and written directions, skim through the exam before starting it, start with the easy questions, look for qualifier words (none, never, most, etc.) and relax.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas organize various academic success programs to help children reach their full potential. The programs are aimed to develop necessary skills and gain practical experience. For more details on tips to achieve academic success, visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541. You can also contact (254) 699 – 5808. 

Ways To Foster Leadership Skills In Students

Instilling leadership skills in students helps them in achieving a successful personal and professional life as adults. Even though leadership skills come naturally to an individual, they can be significantly improved with the right guidance. Examples of leadership skills that students should acquire are communication skills, decision making, an attitude of service to the community, etc.

Ways with which you can introduce and retain leadership skills in students are:

  • Be A Role Model: The easiest way of teaching students leadership skills is by setting an example of the same. Young minds learn best by emulating than by being taught via instructions in the classroom. It is important for an adult teaching about leadership skills to possess the qualities of a good leader and set a positive example for the students.
  • Goal-Setting: At the beginning of a learning session, students should be taught how to set personal and academic goals. Goal setting infuses discipline and hard work towards working to achieve them within a specific period. An effective method of setting goals is to make vision boards consisting of pictures and goal statements for visualization.
  • Participation In Team Activities: There are so many vital skills that students can learn from team activities. These activities create the perfect platform for them to interact with others organically. Students should be a part of such extracurricular activities like sports, scouting, after-school clubs, etc. Interaction with other members of a team will teach valuable leadership skills such as negotiation, effective communication, decision making, perseverance, etc.
  • Project Planning Skills: Students should be encouraged to plan for events in the family and at school. Project planning encourages brainstorming, the delegation of duties, accountability, etc., all of which are essential parts of leadership.
  • Optimistic Thinking: Optimism is an important aspect of leadership as it acts as a propelling force for accomplishing goals. Students should be taught about the outcomes of negative and positive thinking. They should also be taught about leaders who carved a niche for themselves by being optimistic about their projects in spite of struggles and failures.
  • Reading: A leader should be aware of his surroundings and the world in general. Reading is a great way of increasing awareness of the world amongst students. Intellectual stimulation via reading exposes students to a plethora of knowledge and information which is necessary for a leader.
  • Service: Effective leadership involves understanding and working towards the needs of others in society. Students should be taught to be observant of the problems around them in their classrooms, school, and community and look for ways to solve them.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas focus on establishing leadership skills in students through its various programs. The clubs provide opportunities to students helping them reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens. For more details on ways to foster leadership skills in students, visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541. You can also call at (254) 699 – 5808.