Great Futures Start Here

Boys And Girls Club Of Central Texas Builds Your Child's Character

Vacations can be a fun time in a child’s life and is the perfect time to indulge in different kinds of hobbies and interests. However, for children who choose to remain mostly idle, it can also be a crucial time when they may be led astray especially if they are just entering teenage. Parents can enroll their children for boys and girls clubs that have a marked presence in the state of Texas. The activities and experiences provided by Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas not only help keep monotony and ennui at bay but also aid in strengthening the character of participating children through a gamut of interesting and informative activities.

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas may be have daytime activity programs or camps that require being away from home for a few days. These clubs help provide a sense of structure routine in children’s lives at a time when they may just be whiling away their time in lazing around. It is essential to keep children preoccupied so that they do not take part in frivolous or useless activities. Childhood is an age of development in which the mind needs to be fed new ideas and taught knowledge building skills that can be helpful throughout life. Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas are aimed at achieving this very purpose.

The Club exposes children to nature by organizing adventure walks along nature trails. These not only help get in touch with the outdoors but also help in keeping physically fit. This kind of exposure is essential in an age when there is a sense of lack of imagination in a generation engaged in video games and gorging on junk food. Such camps help children develop creativity and inventiveness that are important attributes for all round development.

Apart from the above mentioned benefits that are provided by Boys and Girls Clubs, children enrolled here can also develop value systems that help make them great human beings. This is essential in a society that is becoming more and more materialistic with deteriorating values. All these elements help in building character among children. For more information on various programs run by Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, feel free to call up Ms Carol Dunn at 254-699-5808.

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Life Skills Education For Children

Teaching life skills to children with a view to strengthen their independence as well as build confidence is a very important part of childhood development. These life skills help children to be successful in all the spheres of life, be it personal, financial or various relationships that they come across. These life skills prepare children to be fully functioning individuals in the real and practical world.

The Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas focuses on many aspects of the life skills. These are:

Developing Hygiene
Children at Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas are taught the importance of hygiene and are made to develop habit of washing hands after using bathroom or before every meal. They are also taught importance of other personal hygiene activities like brushing teeth and taking bath daily.

Money Management
Most of the kids have no idea about the importance of money in their lives. It is very necessary to make them understand the difference between luxury and requirement. They should be encouraged to save money for their demands. This is how they will learn the importance of money in life. Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas help kids to understand importance of money management

Time Management
Children should also learn the importance of time management in their lives. They have to understand that they should be in time for their appointments, school, extracurricular activities homework and social activities.

Stress Management
Every person experiences stress but one should know how to deal with it effectively. Effective stress management involves being patient, thinking positively and finding solutions. Bad stress management involves being destructive, impatient and throwing temper tantrums. Teaching stress management to children early in their life helps them to cope well with the problems of life.

Strengthening Values
Basic values should be inculcated in the child since the very beginning. He should be able to make sensible decisions to avoid various situations of stealing, lying, cheating etc.

Protecting Themselves
Children are very friendly and trust easily on others and this often results in dangerous situations. Talking to children about what to do when such things happen can help them to tackle the situation. Role playing of such situations can also facilitate the learning by the children. 

Handling Emergencies
Children should be made aware of the skills to handle an emergency. Tell them to escape from the house or dial 911 if there is a fire or any other mishap. Such basic emergency handling skills are taught to children at Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas.

At Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas, we focus on the overall development of your child. To make your child a part of our different programs, please contact Ms Carol Dunn at 254-699-5808.

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How Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas Benefits Kids In Their Growth

Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas are quite popular in and around Central Texas. Here children can be enrolled for a specified period of time. Almost all locations of club conduct special activities around the summer season when most children are on a long break from school. Boys and Girls Clubs are deemed as the perfect way to spend the free time because of the immense potential of growth and development that they offer. Some of the benefits of joining such a club have been enumerated below:

  • When faced with an endless summer vacation, most people take to watching television like never before and end up wasting a lot of their time. On the other hand, if they join a Boys and Girls Club, they will be getting a chance to put their energy and time to a productive use as they are made to participate in a variety of different activities that may come in handy later on in life.
  • If you enroll your children to such a club, you can rest easy about the fact that your children will not be wasting away their youth by indulging in harmful activities like drug use and unprotected sex. When left to their own devices, adolescents and teenagers can fall into bad habits and harmful addictions that may become difficult to shake off. Being a part of such clubs discourages such pursuits and encourages them to make something of their lives instead of idling their time away.
  • Lots of educational institutions of higher learning give a lot of consideration to boys and girls who have well rounded personalities and have been part of such social clubs.
  • By being a part of Boys and Girls Clubs, children develop a number of useful and beneficial personality traits that can make them better persons and more capable of being successful in life. Some of these behavioral traits that are instilled in them include independence, team work, cooperation, social responsibility, etc.

To join a program at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, please contact Ms Carol Dunn at 254-699-5808.

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Music Camps Helps in Making Better Individuals

As we all know, music can change a person’s mood and can impart positivity; it is a proven fact that music has a significant influence on the brain development of young children. For children, musical training can not only have positive impact on their personality but they also can also explore music as career option for later part of life. They can know what is required to learn music and if music is something that they really want to make as career. It is also very well known fact that kids who have undergone musical training perform better in memory tests and are high achievers in skills like literacy, intelligence, mathematics and verbal memory.

Children who are trained in music are bound to be disciplined and creative. Musical training not only instills creativity but also relieves kids from stress and other psychological problems. They are known to be conductive in harmonious well being especially towards latter in life.

The Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas is a great place for children to not only learn but also develop their talents in the field of music. The club comes up with various programs to teach young individuals about various aspects of music. Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas have programs that aim to teach children almost all forms of music. The club’s programs include learning various musical instruments, writing lyrics/ poetry and composing music. The Music camps at Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas aims at making kids well versed with all aspects of music. They can be familiar with various components of musical creation and can even decide if they want to take it as a career path for future. All programs are mentored by professional artists and poets.

The music camps not only instill artistic abilities in children, but also modify kid’s lifestyle for better. Music camps also help in breaking monotony and refreshing child’s mind.

We are coming up with Music Camps for Teens from June 17 to June 21, 2011. Make your child a part of Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas today. To know more about various programs being run at Boys and Girls Club of Central Texas, you can contact Ms. Carol Dunn at 254-699-5808

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Building Strong Character At Boys And Girls Clubs

When you walk through the doors of the Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, you will most probably hear a great deal of laughter. At these clubs, you will often witness young children building friendly relationships, doing homework, working on projects, participating in activities and sharing their ideas and aspirations with the staff and volunteers. Largely, it appears like a lot of fun. And it really is. What many people do not see is the intentional counseling and instruction that is part of each interaction, each game, each program and each activity - each day.
Our club unlike the other clubs around the World makes use of the following formula to positively bear upon the lives of young people in the communities:

The Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas start with "the Kids Who Need Us The Most".

And Then We Render…

  • A Safe and sound and Positive Environment.
  • Caring Adult Professionals to Steer and Mentor.
  • Daily Setting to build up Regular Attendance, and.
  • Targeted Curriculums With Established Outcomes.

To The Young Adults Who...

  • Practice Salubrious Behaviors & Lifestyles.
  • Accomplish Academic Success, and.
  • Show Good Morals and Strong Character.

At Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, you will find:

Secure and Positive Environment:

Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas create a positive environment for the young people where they are physically, socially and emotionally secure. These Clubs are meant to be inviting, well-lit and appealing to the young people. Streamlined programs and activities are carried on daily in big groups, small groups, and also one on one.

Caring Adult Professionals:

Youth development experts at these clubs receive hours of training and ongoing professional development each year. These experts take good care of all the kids who are a part of these clubs.

Regular Attendance:

The Clubs charge a quite nominal fee per year to make sure that no child is turned away. Clubs are open every day after school so the kids can rely on us to be there when they require us most.

The youngsters who attend the Boys & Girls Club Of Central Texas on a regular basis are most likely to have the greatest life-changing impact.

Join today our prestigious Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas. Contact Ms Carol Dunn at 254-699-5808 to know more and to register.   

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Boys And Girls Clubs Develop Artistic Capabilities

Creativity is the key aspect of healthy aging. Art is a universal form of expression. Art is everywhere because people need to use it for daily uses. It can come in the form of many things, including posters, murals, portraits, covers, paintings and much more. 

Art can be very well understood despite the cultural and language differences. The development and cultivation of artistic talents have proven time and again to be conduits for physical, mental, and social well-being, especially later in life. 

The Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas is a great place for the children to learn a number of artistic skills which will benefit them greatly in their later lives.  Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas teach children many skills which traditional art classroom settings do not.  Children learn how to tap into their creative side to make something without judging the outcome before it happens.  They learn coordination and motor skills, making their hands reproduce either what their eyes see or their mind envisions. At Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, the children experience the satisfaction attained after completing a particular job successfully. 

Various art programs at these clubs inculcate the artistic expression in children between the age 6 to 18 years via drawing, painting, printmaking, collage making, teaching mixed media and sculpture. The kids also learn and practice black-and-white, color, digital and alternative process photography. Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas also lays large focus on digital arts. Children are taught the basics of filming and editing digital movies.

At Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, children will also learn the important skills of learning to critique projects.  They can analyze something they are presented with and through that, they will learn how to look at the good and bad aspects of any work.  This teaches children the important skills of analysis which will come into play for the rest of their lives.  Art can bring all of these skills to children and these are important cognitive skills for success in one’s entire life.

Make your kid a part of Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas today by contacting Ms. Carol Dunn at Phone: 254-699-5808.

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Boys And Girls Clubs Help In launching Your kid’s Career

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas boost all its club members to visualize their future and take definite actions to accomplish their goals. Starting at age 6, the kids who are the members of Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas learn that the higher education can assist them to achieve their career goals. They become well aware that if they dare to dream, then there is an educational track that can lead them where they desire to go. These clubs align their ambitions of becoming an astronaut, teacher, accountant, doctor, computer specialist, lawyer, sport players, musician, singer and other occupations with the next steps to turn it into a reality. Teens at these clubs travel to places of higher education as well as technical schools to help ascertain which track is best for them. 

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas tend to reinforce and improve the skills and knowledge that young people acquire at school by organizing "high yield" learning activities at the Club. This scheme exhibits that fun and various academically beneficial activities boost up the kid's academic performance. Such activities comprise of leisure reading, homework assistance, writing and playing games, which in turn develop youth's cognitive skills. 

Young people at these clubs take part in career development activities and community service. They understand how to build good customer service skills as they set out their journeys as human service professionals. 

The members of the Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas attain useful experience and or training in how to chart their future course of employment. They also understand how to cope with troubles pertaining to their jobs or job searches. All the programs in these clubs foster leadership and interpersonal skills, and teach kids how to deal with conflict resolution, set priorities and overcome obstructions to employment. 

How can Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas Assist You?  

We at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas strive to help our members in the following fields:

  • Career information.
  • Career Planning.
  • Recognizing further study alternatives. 
  • Mentoring. 
  • Career prospects of performance management. 
  • Coaching and counseling. 
  • Vocational assessments. 
  • Career and life management skills such as networking, assertiveness, negotiation and decision making. 

Contact us today at 254-699-5808 to enroll your kids in our various career development programs. 

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Advantages Of Team Sports At Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas

Organized youth team sports assists the young people to build qualities like leadership, team work, and life skills while developing self esteem. These skills acquired at a young age go along with an individual throughout his life. 

Today's young generation is struggling with the worst obesity epidemic in history. Rendering kids an excuse to workout is a good reason enough to consider enrolling them in outdoor team sports. Not only this, team sports yield various other benefits to kids on a social, emotional, and physical level.

Below are a few things that team sports teach and the things that go well beyond batting, scoring, shooting, and succeeding:

Ego Checks: A parent knows that his/her child can be really egoistic. But that "my way" attitude tends to go away when one becomes a part of team sport. When a kid realizes that everyone gets to play, they start to think of the group as a whole, and not merely himself. 

Positive Mentors: A devoted, heedful, and proficient coach can have astonishing influence on the children. As a matter of fact, often your child will react better to an objective coach than they will to their own father or mother. 

The Three P’s: Just as they need to practice spelling, solve mathematical problems, and any other skills, kids require to learn that being a part of sport teams necessitates the three P's practice, persistence and patience. 

Extending organized team sports such as basketball, volleyball, and football etc, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas serves many boys and girls of the age 6 to 18 years. 

At Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas, team sports activities are headed by a full time athletic director who supervises all the aspects of the team sports program comprising of registration, team building, extensive training, and cheer-leading etc. The athletic director guarantees a top notch team sports program rendering all interested youth an opportunity to take part, have adequate playing time in practice and games, and the chance to be familiar with basic fundamental sport skills and improve them. The life-long advantages comprise of bettered health, strength, tractability, and self confidence.

To be a part of Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, contact Ms. Carol Dunn at Phone: 254-699-5808.

Life Skills Coaching To Entirely Change Your Kid's Lifestyle!

Essentially, that Life Skills Coaching is all about making change and assisting the young children to develop personally. Life Skills Coaching at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas can assist young children construct a solid personal foundation, observe their values and attain personal success to turn into a better individual! 

Life skills coaching at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas concentrates on the four basic pillars i.e. child's health, his/her education, the relationships, and the level of self-care or spiritualism. 

Children frequently confront hurdles they fail to tackle by themselves. We discover those hurdles and help the children to get rid of or defeat such troubles. We commence by being holistic, so that personal life coaching can comfortably turn into the wellness coaching.

The kids who come to Boys And Girls Clubs Of Central Texas for career coaching may additionally require, a refresher course for aligning their lives' core goals and values with their way of living, or to some level of answerability toward bettering their health and fitness. 

The reward that they will yield from this is that they will understand how to approach a life trouble from a critical thinking perspective and then be ready to do this for themselves with the future issues. Everything that Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas discuss and cover will function as a framework and point of reference for the child to win experience and his/her individual wisdom. 

At Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, life skills coaching is mainly focused to:

  • Keep track of the children's behavior. 
  • Assist them make the correct choices. 
  • Acknowledging the wrong choices. 
  • Regain control of their life. 
  • Set logical goals for them. 

How does this work? 

Enroll in our specialized coaching program to obtain intensive, consecrated coaching on the finite area of personal growth and life betterment you choose. You will learn worthful life skills in the comfort of your own home. We cater to all the requirements of the children and help them in all possible ways we can. We are based in Killeen, TX and can be contacted at Phone: 254-699-5808.

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Tutoring Texas Children Is Now Easy!

It has always remained an issue in selecting a particular tutoring club out of many. The parents try to choose the best tutoring club for their children. They want the children to get quality education. Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas is the best option for the kids as they have qualified staff which helps to shape up the career of the children wisely. They provide superior education to the children that help them to master certain skills. 

Boys and Girls clubs Of Central Texas believe in imparting education using a liberal and more comfortable way. They teach the children by giving them live situations to handle and then explain them all the ins and outs about the same. On the other hand, Conventional educational institutions teach the children in a procedural manner and do not provide exposure to the real life situations.

The children at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas get a chance to meet many other fellow children and can exchange their talks and issues. Tutoring services are only fruitful when a kid takes interest in studying sincerely. 

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas provides the children with quality education by organizing many educational programs. It helps the children to reach their full learning potential. Here at these clubs, the kids involve themselves in many playful activities also. Special learning programs have been built to suit every kid’s requirement. The kids have complete choice to pick out any learning program they wish to go ahead with. 

Boys and Girl Club Of Central Texas also counsel the children on a regular basis. The kids get complete assistance in choosing the best career for them. So, don’t waste a single moment and let your kid learn and grow with Boys and Girl Club Of Central Texas. To enroll, contact Ms. Carol Dunn at Phone: 254-699-5808

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