Great Futures Start Here

Self-Expression: Key To Child Development

Self-expression can be defined as expressing one’s thoughts and feelings, and these expressions can be accomplished through words, choices or actions. Encouraging children to express themselves from an early age is vital for their overall development and self-confidence. Self-expression fosters feelings of independence, self-advocacy and creativity. There are three types of self-expression i.e. playful, building and artistic expression.

Here are some ways with which children can be encouraged to express themselves:

  • Writing: Children could be encouraged to write about their day, feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc. This form of expression may help them understand themselves and sort out their thoughts. This can be done in the form of journaling, blogging, maintaining a diary, etc.
  • Conversation: Teach your child about the art of conversation by initiating topics of discussion, asking questions, making eye contact, controlling awkward body movements, conversing about things that are not routine-based, teaching them to ask for favors when necessary and how to do so, etc.
  • Clothing: Your child’s way of dressing is also a form of self-expression that should not be limited to societal trends and norms. Encourage your child’s style of clothing, choice of colors, etc. and refrain from imposing your choices.
  • Choice: Support your child’s choices when it comes to things like sports, hobbies, after-school activities, books, voluntary work and more. This is the foundation for a well-developed and confident personality. The possibility of having a choice boosts self-confidence and is an intrinsic part of self-expression.
  • Art: Artistic expression provides children with an outlet for strong emotions and feelings that are difficult to put into words. Examples of artistic expressions are painting, sketching, drawing, coloring, etc. For maximum benefits, allow your child to express his artistic side without any boundaries and rules.
  • Play: Playing is one of the best forms of self-expression for kids. When children play with other children, they learn the art of cooperation, the value of respect and important inter-personal skills. After school clubs such as Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas offer a safe place for to play within reasonable rules and boundaries.
  • Building Objects: The construction of objects such as dollhouses, stacks of wooden bricks (Jenga), model cars, LEGO, etc., helps in fostering creativity and self-expression. Children learn the importance of using creativity under a set of instructions and boundaries to produce the end result.
Conclusion: Apart from self-expression, the above-mentioned activities help children become problem solvers and develop socio-emotional skills, positive mental health, fine motor skills and more. Other forms of self-expression are dancing, story-telling, music, playing with dough, etc.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas organize an array of after-school activities to help kids develop self-expression in Killeen, TX.  To know more about importance of self-expression among kids, visit 703 N. 8th Street, Killeen, TX - 76541. You can also call at (254) 699 – 5808.

Character & Soft Skill Development In Kids

Success in every field requires an individual to possess certain interpersonal skills and character traits. Childhood is the best time to learn and develop these soft skills. Soft skills include, but are not limited to, social skills, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, people skills, communication skills, etc. Character development not only improves academic performance and behavior of kids but also prepares them for the workplace as adults.

Here is a list of ways in which children can develop positive character traits and soft skills:

  • Incorporate Character Education In The Curriculum: Character education should be made a part of the school curriculum for a lasting impact on children. All activities in a classroom should be used as tools for character development i.e. teachers should act as role models, children should be taught to respect each other, cooperative learning and moral reflection should be encouraged, etc.
  • Authentic Feedback: Offer a child genuine feedback about his performance instead of forcefully showering positive feedback to avoid disappointment. It is important for children to learn how to deal with unsettling emotions and negative judgment in a balanced way.
  • Noticing And Naming Qualities: If you would like your child to imbibe any qualities (empathy, perseverance, a positive attitude, etc.), make it a point to highlight and name them in front of him. You can also have a conversation about the traits in order to give your child clear and practical examples of how to model them in real-life situations.
  • Selflessness: For your child to develop selflessness, he should be introduced to the idea of helping others without expecting anything in return. Service to the community is a character trait that builds confidence in an individual and provides immeasurable happiness.
  • Exploration: Refrain from over-scheduling your child’s day and give him some time to explore hobbies, interests, and the world around him. To develop soft skills, it is important for a child to get in touch with other age-mates in an informal set-up, play with them, communicate, and express himself.
  • Non-Conformity: Great thinkers, creators, and doers of the world never conformed to living within set boundaries but dared to discover, think, and experiment. Children should be encouraged to cross some boundaries for the sake of invaluable lessons that risks and mistakes have to teach.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas offer various programs to develop character and soft skills in kids. The programs help kids with better planning and decision making. For more details on character and soft skill development in kids, visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541. You can also call at (254) 699 – 5808.