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Anger Management In Teens

Parenting a teen child seems like an uphill task to those who consistently have to deal with the anger of their children. While growing up, a number of emotions flare up in teenagers and they become unpredictable due to hormonal changes and the need to find their own identity, which leads to confusion and stress. Any kind of reckless behavior like screaming, abusing, violence and depression make it impossible for parents to appease their children, which ultimately leads to decaying relationships and unwillingness to communicate. In such a scenario, it becomes absolutely vital that parents take immediate steps to help cope up their teenager's anger.

Anger is a behavior that is uncomfortable and usually, out of control. It is a way of releasing mental and emotional pressure by our subconscious mind which sometimes can get too much to handle. Anger in teenagers is a normal process of growing up but it needs to be managed because it decreases the overall quality of life whereas nagging and fighting with them worsens the situation.  To help their teens, parents can follow the below given tips to manage the anger in their teen children.

Tips for parents-

  • Talking to your children - To avoid any frustrations, parents should be approachable and listen to any problem their child might be facing as communication is very important.  
  • Seeking expert help – Counselors that deal with troubled teenagers know how to talk to them and help identify the root cause of anger. They help build confidence among children and improve their mental and emotional health.
  • Thinking rationally – Before acting out on their teens' behavior, parents should think. In most cases, the situations can be prevented from getting worse if parents decide to stay calm when the teenager is throwing tantrums and indulges in angry behavior.
  • Teaching Self-control – Growing up teenagers should be educated about the warning signs of building up anger like increasing pulse rate, high blood pressure, muscle tension etc. They should be taught to practice self control and not let anger control them.
  • Helping identify triggers – Certain situations inside or outside of the house may be resulting in sudden outburst in teenagers. Parents can help them identify what actually causes them to get violent and burst out, and help them handle those situations effectively.
  • Activities at kids clubs – Energy spent in expressing anger can be redirected towards creative activities that improve the overall well being of teenagers. Walking, exercising, music, painting, dancing and sports help in coping up with anger and prevent it from escalating.

Educating teens about the drawbacks of such behavior will instill a sense of confidence in them and help them regain their self esteem in front of others. They should be made aware of their behavior and learn how to control it.

We, at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas organize anger management programs to teach teens various ways to cope with their anger. To enroll your kids in these programs, visit us at 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX - 76541 or call at (254) 699-5808.   Ext:102