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How Sports Help In Reducing Stress

The fast paced times we live in have almost made it normal to feel stressed. However, curbing stress and its ill effects is the need of the hour for maintaining a healthy mind and body. One great way of reducing stress, is to participate in sports. From academic stress to peer pressure, children might be bound by various stress factors. This is why it is extremely essential for kids to participate in sports to ensure their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Here’s how this works:

• Release Of Endorphins
Both group and solitary sports activities have been proven to stimulate the production of neurotransmitters called endorphins. These brain chemicals have been shown to give a high and instantly boost ones mood. This feeling is also referred to as “runner’s high”. High levels of endorphins are associated with a positive mood and decreased pain and stress.

• Better Mental Health

Regular exercise and participation in sports has immense physical and mental benefits. By reducing levels of stress, playing sports can help in warding off symptoms of depression and anxiety. People who participate in sports report having better sleep at night than those who don’t. Lack of sleep has been shown to exuberate levels of anxiety. Good quality sleep inevitably results into a general sense of well-being and less stress.

• Breaking The Negative Loop

Participation in sports forces a person to cut the loop of negative thoughts that lead to stress. Sports encourage a person to interact with others and step out of the mind for a while. Such a disconnection from stressful thoughts helps one move towards better thought patterns with the help of increased levels of the hormone oxytocin. Team sports are specially great for reducing stress. After an invigorating sports session, a person feels motivated, energized and ready to take on any problems that come their way with a fresh attitude.

• Increased Self-Worth
A low feeling of self-worth is directly proportional to the levels of stress. People with low self-esteem usually find themselves feeling stressed about the minutest of things. Surprisingly, low self-esteem has a strong connection with an inactive lifestyle. Being active in a sport of your choice will help in increasing self-confidence and foster a feeling of being worthwhile. When you feel nice about yourself from within you are ready to face daily challenges with a bright smile and brave attitude. A positive frame of mind will lead to you stressing less about mundane stuff.

• Prevents Stress Eating
Lack of physical activity inevitably leads to an increase in stress hormones in the body. Many people have a tendency to overeat or indulge in excessive sweet foods to get rid of stressful feelings. However, this only provides temporary relief. Engaging in a sports activity during leisure time helps in burning extra calories and building muscles. The release of good hormones as against the bad ones leads to making better food choices. So, it can be safely concluded that sports also help in maintaining weight and improving food habits that might deteriorate due to stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

We, at Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, offer a wide range of programs for kids from 6 to 18 years of age. To enroll your child at the club, call at (254) 699 – 5808 or visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541.

Keeping Your Kids Active In Winter

Everything slows down in winters. Our little kids are no exception. All they want to do is coop up indoors and watch their favorite shows on television or play a thrilling video game. The question is, are there better things to do in winters? Yes. There are plenty of fun activities to keep your child active, healthy and happy in winters.

Here is a look at some -

Enroll Them In Clubs - The best way to keep your kids active and energetic is to enroll them in various clubs and activities. This not only provides children an opportunity to learn necessary skills but also keeps them busy and occupied with something that is purposeful. You can make your kids join any of the following programs-

  • Art and music classes
  • Character & leadership building programs
  • Sports, fitness & recreation clubs
  • Health & life skill workshops

Indoor Playgrounds - There’s no need to feel stuck indoors on a cold winter day. Indoor playgrounds are a life saver for both parents and kids. They have lots of interactive games and fun activities like:

  • Obstacle courses
  • Tunnel slides
  • Themed giant inflatables e.g. princess castle, batman, fire engine, etc.
  • Arcade games

Sweat Together
- Have a fun workout session with your kids. You can check out an exercise video online. This way not only do you learn new fitness moves together, but are also instilling into your child a wonderful habit of exercising. You are teaching them a great way of utilizing their indoor time.

Ice Skating - Visit a local skating rink. It is a superb winter activity for working on your child’s balance and coordination. It also builds up a kid’s strength in addition to being a heart pumping workout.
You can even plan an ice skating party for your kids. There are various ice skating games for kids such as:

  • Four corners
  • Freeze skate
  • Gliders
  • Skate chain
  • Ice potato

Tobogganing – If you can, send your little one tobogganing on a nearby snow covered hill. It is great if there are a bunch of kids to have maximum fun. Every kid sliding down that snow-laden hill will have a beaming smile and a hearty laugh which can brighten any winter day!

We, at Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, offer a wide range of programs for kids up to 18 years of age. To enroll your child at the club, call at (254) 699 – 5808 or visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541.

Benefits Of Fine Arts For Kids

Kids start painting and drawing from a very young age. They use art to express emotions and various feelings. It is also widely used in schools specifically pre-schools and kindergartens to teach children how to read and write. Art provide kids with critical thinking skills and a way to release their stress. Engaging children in art activities help them to thrive in all the aspects of life. It results in their healthy mental growth and boost creativity.  

Listed below are some fine arts activities and the benefits each serve.


Painting and drawing is loved by small kids. It is a form of fun and entertainment for them. It is the best tool for kids with autism and other disabilities, who find difficulty in communicating with others. With the help of painting they can easily communicate their emotions and feelings. It also boost imagination, regulate hand movements and strengthen their fine motor skills. Painting eliminates any chance of developing memory loss illness and promotes an optimistic attitude.


Sculpting helps in calming kids with high activity levels. Kids do not express anger or frustration during sculpting because the clay is flexible and they can turn it into anything they want. It also help them to follow and remember specific techniques. The professionals at art classes give kids different pottery tools and directions about how to use such things. Kids make sure that they remember everything and follow the given directions closely. It also helps them in understanding the shape, form and perspective.


Printmaking is also an interesting way through which kids can show their artistic side. The kids learn a disciplined form of art as printmaking involves different methods and techniques. It refines the movement of their muscles and enhance creativity.

Collage making

Encouraging your kid to participate in activities like collage making can really help in boosting his imagination and for developing fine motor skills. It will also teach him how to use old things to create something good out of it. Through collage making kids connect meanings to different shapes and colors. This shows their highly creative side as well as offers opportunity for self expression. They experiment with different patterns and styles to achieve perfection.  

Different art forms and activities are not only fun but are also helpful for overall development of a child. Let your kid decide which art activity he is interested in and is right to discover his true potential.

We, at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas, organize an array of art programs for kids of all age groups. For more information, you can call at (254) 699 – 5808 or visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541.

Sports And Recreational Activities For Kids In Killeen

Sports and recreational activities are important for promoting good health and improving the quality of life for kids. Children find these activities fun and an interesting way to spend their leisure time. You can enroll you child at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas for participating in various activities, sports and games.

Benefits of sports and recreation

  • Personal and health benefits: The sports and recreational activities not only help in decreasing obesity among children but also boost self-esteem, confidence, self-respect, trust and leadership abilities. Physical activity also contributes towards improving the academic performance of the children. Sports improve concentration, attention and classroom behavior. Children become socially oriented by participating in these activities, which provide challenges as well adventure to them.
  • Another benefit of sports and recreational activities is that it helps in reducing stress and making the children happy. By indulging in different sports, kids develop character and learn time management. They interact with the children of their age group and this helps improve their communication and learning skills.
  • Benefits to community: Besides offering physical benefits, the sports and recreational activities also benefit the community, as they bring the people together. Sports help in building the value of teamwork and offer fun. The children follow their role models and try to achieve their goals like them, to win at a sport or game and benefit the community.  Thus parents should encourage their children to maintain an active lifestyle and enjoy a sport or game. Rather than playing video games, using Internet and having sedentary lifestyle, children can enjoy being physically active.
We, at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas offer various organized sports leagues. Basketball leagues for 2nd Grade, ¾ Grade, and 5/6 Grade are conducted. You can even register for cheerleading program, which is offered for youth in 7-15 age groups. The program is for students who attend or live within the KISD school district students. The club also offers the NCAA League, which is available for boys 7-9 years old. You can register for Swim League for ages 7-17 years.

Our kids club has been organizing fun-filled activities for more than a decade and also has various branches at different locations in Texas. To register, you can visit us at 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541 or call 254-699-5808  Ext:102.

Fun Indoor Activities For Kids In Texas

Indoor activities should be encouraged by parents to instill creativity in their child. These activities come with the added advantage of not being affected by the weather conditions outside.  Children can learn various fun indoor activities that enhance their skills and help them discover hidden talents.

Some indoor activities for kids include:

  • Arts and craft: One of the interesting indoor activities that most children like is arts and craft. This encourages their creativity and imagination along with offering them a chance to express themselves. Various art and craft competitions are also organized for kids to help them identify their hidden talents and creativity. They learn to paint, draw, sketch, color and stitch which are interesting hobbies and some useful life skills too.
  • Photography: This is another fun filled indoor activity that kids enjoy. Registering for a photography class gives the children a chance to learn basic skills. It also encourages them to participate in various photography competitions. Photography promotes thinking in different perspectives and can also become a child’s hobby.
  • Digital arts: Children can also learn various digital arts such as web page design, graphics, animation etc. These are really useful in today's highly technically advanced environment and can be picked up as a profession too. The children can also learn skills to make videos, edit and design.
  • Music: An indoor activity that appeals to children of all age groups is music. It helps them be creative and encourages them to be expressive. This can also assist in developing a life long hobby or discovering a hidden talent. Professionals mentor the children and help them learn a new instrument, write lyrics or sing a song.
  • Drama or theater: Children can also participate in theater and drama workshops to learn and display their acting skills. They enact plays and perform shows, which help them have insight into the world of acting. Such activities help the children gain confidence and overcome their stage fright. During workshops, kids interact with the mentors and learn new skills from them. The children are also encouraged to participate in competition by offering them training and appreciation.
These activities encourage children to be expressive, creative and constructive. It also helps them communicate their thoughts and build new friendships.

For more information, contact Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas at (254) 699 - 5808.

Sports Activities In Killeen TX

Students indulge in a number of extracurricular activities along with their school and university life. They can choose arts, health, life skills or career oriented activities for their free time. Sports and recreation activities are the most popular activities that attract the attention of boys and girls of all age groups. Sports enthusiasts often join clubs to learn different sports and participate in different competitions and tournaments. There are numerous sports activities offered by Boys and Girls club Texas and they also organize sports leagues to encourage and motivate the budding players. They offer different sports fitness and recreational programs that help boys and girls expand their skills and play better.

The most popular sports activities in Killeen TX include football and basketball. Many boys and girls also like to participate in cheerleading activities. Even parents encourage their children to play these action packed sports as these activities keep the children physically active and help them learn sportsmanship. The recreational sports activities are the best solution to the sedentary life style of the children these days. Football and basketball is not only fun to play but also helps children build up their body and stay healthy. Both these games are physically demanding and may be challenging initially; however, once the child takes up one of these games they enjoy playing it.

Football and basketball are one of the best options if parents want their children to stay fit and busy in their leisure time. These sports activities are much better than lying on a couch and watching television the entire day. These sports involve running and physical exercises which help children develop their stamina, muscles and physical strength. It is often found that children who play sports such as football or basketball have better concentration and coordination skills unlike children who don’t play any sport.

Joining a club that offers football or basketball league and training not only helps in channelizing the energy of youth but also helps them remain focused on their goals while developing a competitive spirit. They learn to compete and win while working in teams and learn to coordinate with each other towards a common goal. The clubs are often equipped with the required training equipment and facilities to help youth develop their skills in the sport. These clubs offer a platform or a launching pad to the children who are good in the sports.