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Cheerleading: Yells, Chants, Cheers And Fun!!

Cheerleading is one of the most fabulous sports for kids which has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Cheerleaders boost up energy in the team and make the game even more interesting. The activity offers not only physical but various mental benefits for the kids. It is a great source of relaxation and channelizes the energy in a positive manner. Though becoming a cheerleader can be challenging, it has several advantages as well.       

Let's take a look at some of the advantages of enrolling your kid in a cheerleading program:

Helps in strength building

It requires a great amount of physical strength to perform tumbling and tossing. Lower body, shoulder and core muscles need to be very strong. They need to have a balanced control to bear the weight of the teammates while performing lifts. Cheerleading involves a wide range of physical activities such as tumbling, dancing, jumping etc. It acts a great cardio workout and helps in maintaining overall physical fitness of the kid.  It also builds stamina and physical endurance among the cheerleaders.

Increases flexibility

High kick baskets and jumps in cheerleading require a lot of flexibility. Thus, cheerleaders perform stretching exercises before and after the practice. This not only enhances mobility but also improves their posture. The warmup exercises strengthen the spine and reduce the chances of suffering from any muscle strains or sprains while performing. Having an increased flexibility is also known to be beneficial in decreasing stress levels in kids.

Boosts confidence

Performing in front of a large audience as well as receiving appreciation in the form of applauses can reduce stage-fear in kids.  Also, learning a new skill makes them stay ahead of the peers and enhances their self-esteem. It gives them a boost to perform their daily activities in a better way. There’s more to it, the thought of motivating the team can also boost self-confidence and imbibe optimism in the kids which can help them to achieve their goals.   

Enhances team building skills

Cheerleading is the best way of fostering relationships and enhancing team building skills. Motivating the team through ups and down helps in social interaction and is a great way to connect with other members. Cheerleaders always encourage their team to win and stay united.  They help in creating a positive environment and also enhance the social as well as leadership skills among the players. It helps in building trust among team members which is essential to ensure safety of all during the performance.  

Improves coordination

Cheerleading is an activity that is based on timing and rhythm. Since it requires to follow certain sequences and beats, cheerleaders can improve her body control, concentration as well as balance through the activity. For a good performance they need to be in tune with the other team members. Thus, practising this activity on a regular basis can help to improve coordination skills. Cheerleaders will become more disciplined by following a fixed schedule and paying attention to the instructor.  

Means of socialization

It is a perfect way to socialize as it provides the chance to meet other kids having similar interests. It helps in making new friends and improving social skills. Cheerleading is a fun activity which reduces depression and anxiety. It provides a break from the monotonous life and revitalizes energy. It not only helps in leading an active lifestyle but also prepares the cheerleaders to face new challenges.  

We, at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas, organize cheerleading programs for kids of age 7-12 years. The instructors at our club are well trained and provide personalized attention to each kid.  Registrations are open in July-August every year. For enrollment, you need to bring your kid’s birth certificate or Mil. ID. Candidates must live in KISD area or attend KISD schools. The participation fee is $25 and includes the rent of the uniform. For more information, you can call at (254) 699 – 5808 or visit 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX - 76541.
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